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The Series
These twelve series of two paintings each (24 total) explore the concepts of being human and finding balance, quiet reminders to see both sides of every experience, and (as described in Inspiration) to “feel the sun even in the dark…”

The Structural Theme Behind The Work
The collection uses a 1x4 grid based on four vertical rectangles per each square — a deeply symbolic foundation for myriad visual concepts. These four units correlate to the four elements of earth, fire, and water, the four directions, the four seasons, and other numeric meanings. The grid inherently inspires exploration of size, scale, and directional points of connection.

The Style
Precise grid work inspired by Josef Müller-Brockman and Agnes Martin (and other pioneers of Minimalist art and Swiss typography) is intentionally “broken” with an avalanche of sloppy paint application — with stylistic influence adapted from Abstract Expressionist legends like Jackson Pollock and Wassily Kandinsky.

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