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2024    24 x 36"   enamel / acrylic / mixed media / graphite / gold leaf / gold ink / charcoal / chalk 

The “n-th” piece is the “gold,” the insight, and reflection of all of the themes and concepts from this project.

This project and this special 25th painting represents one having lived so many lives during the course of this project. It’s visuals reflect experiencing gut wrenching pain and loss, beauitful silver linings and love, unexpected and imperfect realizations, the (im-)balance of order and chaos, reflecting backward and dreaming forward, while continuously remaining present to the “now.” This piece is a visual journey of understanding so many shades between light and dark.


We are all broken. We have all been broken. We will all break. And it’s the process of release, reflection, renewal and restoration, reframing, and rebuilding that make us human. It’s beautiful to have scars — whether emotional or physical, they remind us to stay connected to our story. This is a journey — and throughout it it can be exhilirating to put the pieces back together in new and different ways — after they’ve been blown up and scattered everywhere. 

Survival is endurance. Endurance is courage. Courage is embracing the unknown and imperfection. Imperfection is to fall down along the way, and to realize we can get back up. Getting back up is self-love, helping others is love.

This n-th piece from Even In The Dark is the closing chapter — it pulls together all the brokenness, all the love, and reflects the beautiful and the inspiration within that experience of being human. It symbolizes the treasure we gain. 

“It ain’t the letting go, it’s more about the things you take with.”
— Orville Peck, The Curse of the Blackened Eye 

© 1996–2024 Tyler R Walseth. All Rights Reserved, Unauthorized Use Prohibited.